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Azure Storage - Data protection from deletion

Let me start with a story - "In 2015 we were running a 2 weeks performance test on our solution, that was hosted inside Microsoft Azure. After the performance test finished, we have a clean-up of all the resources. The cleaning script was build in such a way as to not delete the logs storage. After a few days, I was notified that we still have consumption on that subscription. I forgot that there are the storages where we have logs, so I purged the subscription. The 2 weeks of performance logs and metrics were lost forever."

Nowadays, we have a lot of mechanisms to avoid such a thing. Let's look at what we could do to not be in the same situations as I was in 2015.

(1) Resource Lock

The first thing that we shall configure is resource lock at Azure Storage level for "Do Not Delete." As long as the resource has this lock, nobody would be able to delete the resource. 

(1.1) RBAC Configuration - restrict lock access

Having the lock configured ensures that you or somebody else cannot remove the storage without removing the lock first. The next step is to ensure that the "Do Not Delete" lock can be modified only by the right people. 

Using RBAC, we have the ability to create roles that have or not have access to Microsoft.Authorization/* or Microsoft.Authorization/locks/* actions. Only users that have these actions assigned can modify a lock. (exception Owner and User Access Administrator). 

(2) Soft Delete

This feature helps us to prevent accidental deletion or even changes on a blob or containers. At the moment when you activate it, the content is only soft deleted. Meaning that in the case you decide that you want to recover the content, you have the ability to do this. 

There is a retention policy that can be configured, depending on your needs. By default, the soft-deleted objects are not visible. If you want to view them, you need to specify in the list option a specific attribute.

(3) Versioning 

Provides us the ability to create multiple versions of the same storage object. Each time when a storage object is modified, a new version of it is created. In the case of deletion, we can restore a previous version of the object. 

When we have the blob versioning active, the deletion operation represents only another version of the blob. The full version tree for the deleted blob is persisted. 

(4) Snapshots

The snapshots provide us the capability to create a 'hard' version of the blob. All the content is copied and can be accessed later on. To access a specific snapshot,, we need to append to the blob name the snapshot's date and time. 

Even if we have snapshots available, we need to be aware that we need to configure them so that others would not be able to remove them.

(5) Change feed

Used for systems where we need to get notified when a blob is modified. The change feed provides a channel for consumers who can be notified when a blob's content is modified. 

Change feed needs to be used carefully because they it can generate a high load on the consumers, and many times, we don't need to be notified of all the changes. 

(6) Point-in-time restore

It gives us the ability to create policies that would protect us from accidental deletion. Once we have the data in a consistent state, we can create a point-in-time restore that can be used later on in time. 

The functionality works in combination with other features that need to be enabled (Soft Delete, Blob versioning, and Change feed). 


If we take the story that I presented initially, I would prefer to have the Resource Lock and a Snapshot created after the performance tests where I finished. These two items would enable me to have the storage configure so that accidental deletion should not happen, and they would not cause data loss. 


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