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[Post Event] Cloud Marathoner - May 2024

 Last week, I had a session about cloud repatriation and hybrid cloud delivered to Cloud Marathoner. The session covered costs, drivers and how cloud repatriation should be handled. During the session, I shared insights related to the hidden cost of cloud repatriation and the business KPIs that should be used to monitor and track such a program.

[Post Event] Peak IT 006 - Brasov, May 2024

 In the middle of May, I had the opportunity to participate in the Peak IT Conference as a speaker and panel moderator. With over 400 attendees, 48 speakers, and 4 streams, the Peak IT Conference offers the attendees 3 amazing days.  The conference was a treasure trove of well-organized sessions, networking opportunities, and, of course, coffee. Andrei Danila delivered one of the standout sessions, titled ' There is light at the end of the tunnel. ' This session, among the best I've seen in recent years, provided invaluable insights for startups and highlighted key areas of awareness. During the conference, I had the opportunity to deliver a session related to Cloud Repatriation and talk about the future of Microsoft Azure and . NET. You can find more about the content that I delivered below: Cloud (re)patriation and Hybrid Cloud : The cloud has revolutionized how businesses operate, providing agility, efficiency, and scalability. However, in recent years, cloud repatriatio

Microsoft Copilot or Copilot for Microsoft 365 (M365) or ChatGPT.

 Does Copilot ring a bell? I am more than sure that YES. But what kind of bell? Microsoft Copilot or Copilot for Microsoft 365 (M365) or ChatGPT. In this article, I am trying to highlight their core differences. I am sure things might change in the next months, but defining a boundary between them is still a good starting point. I will start with the summary because I know that you don't have too much time: Microsoft Copilot is an AI assistant built for personal use (Windows 11). It can be used for Windows 11 tasks, adjusting Windows settings, and performing similar activities. Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI-powered business tool. It is used with professional tools from the O365 stack and assists us in creating, understanding, and gaining insights related to the digital content in our organization. ChatGPT provides a platform that can be used for broader activities and can be an AI assistant for different tasks (e.g., coding). It can better understand a problem or que

Cloud (re)patriation and Hybrid Cloud

 The first cloud migration dates from early 2000, when the first cloud provider emerged. Since then, cloud adoption has become part of business, helping companies grow and adopt emerging technologies. Cloud computing has changed businesses' operations, providing agility, efficiency, and scalability.  Cloud repatriation started to emerge in the last few years. It involved moving data or business back to on-premises. According to the ESG group, over 60% of companies have repatriated at least one workload back to on-premise. A well-known example of cloud repatriation is Dropbox. In 2016, they decided to shift the workloads from AWS to on-premises data centres driven by economics, better operational flexibility and control. From the cloud adoption point of view, cloud repatriation was part of their cloud journey. Today, Dropbox has multiple cloud vendors and on-premises partners that cover business-specific needs.  The leading causes of cloud repatriation The top concerns related to th

[Post Event] RO AI Alliance - Cluj-Napoca, September 2023

This week, RO AI Alliance invited me to deliver a talk about the PCI-DSS framework and how we can build cloud & Microsoft Azure solutions aligned with PCI-DSS compliance.  We had a great time together discussing compliance, AI&ML and how startups can use and benefit from it. Thank you for having me here.

Microsoft free resources for students

Most of the time, when you are a student, you have time to learn, discover and experiment. Nowadays, we have access to information, but it can take time to filter and find the right one for your needs. As students, you might want to experiment with Microsoft Azure to discover how to use cloud services and play with them. For this purpose,  Microsoft provides a $100/monthly credit for students  that can be used to learn and play with it. You don't need a credit card when creating the subscription, so you should not worry about additional charges. If you want to be more involved in the learning programs, you can join the  Students Ambassadors program (MSP ) and support the local students to grow together with you. There are additional programs that you can take part in, together with the University, like Skilling Initiatives (ESI), which provides free training and a 50% discount voucher for certifications,  Open Hacks for Universities  and Resource Trial (e.g. $1500 for 3 months for