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Showing posts with the label hackathon

[Post Event] Cluj City Apps Hackaton 14-16 March 2014

This weekend in Cluj-Napoca we had the first hackathon based on public data offered by Cluj-Napoca City Hal l. There were a lot of public data that could be used to create different application. For example people had access to data related to parking slots, how European funds are used and so on. This event was organized by Cluster Cluj IT in collaboration with Microsoft Romania , Cluj-Napoca City Hall and hosted by City Hub . At this event I was invited as mentor and to be part of the jury. I saw a lot of great ideas that could be used in everyday life to improve our life. There were a lot of application around maps and putting different data on the map. A lot of teams tried to add content to the map and on different graphical reports. BEGIN OFFTOPIC A small hint for all teams for the next time when they have an idea related to this. Try to look on the internet and find out what kind of frameworks you can use in your application. THE internet is full with free stacks and appli

WOWZAPP2012 - Awesome Hackathon

 This weekend, all around the word we had WOWZAPP Hackathon .  This Windows 8 Hackathon was a 48 marathon of Windows 8 App development. Over 15.000 people were connected with Visual Studio 2012 and develop great application for the new operating system – Windows 8. I participate at this event with other 3 colleges and we develop an application that could help you to find location when you don’t have internet connection. We didn’t manage to finish it, we tried to apply MVVM pattern 100%. Our main focus was the code quality and not to finish in 48h. The team name was DOTNET Vampires and team member were: Costin Morariu, Iulia Gorcea, Alexandra Vunvulea and @me. This was a great event and we had a lot of fun. In Bucharest, we had almost 40 team. At this event I was not only as a percipient, I was part of the Windows 8 SWAT team. We were the persons that offered technical support for all teams. I think that almost all project had at least 3 lines of code written by me. It was a lot of

WOWZAPP 2012: Worldwide Global Hackathon for Windows -- Bucharest, Romania

Everyone on Earth already knows what will happen at the end of this month. Yes, you are right, Windows 8 will be launched. Not only this, Windows Phone 8 will be lunched in this month also. With this occasion Bucharest will be the host of WOWZAPP 2012: Worldwide Global Hackathon for Windows. Sounds good and it will be a great event. You will have 24h to develop a great Windows Client App for Windows 8. If you know C# and XAML or JavaScript and HTML5, than you should register NOW . If you have a great idea of an application for Windows 8, that you should register NOW . If you have a great idea of an application for Windows Phone that you should register NOW . In the case you need something in backend; you will receive a six month subscription for Windows Azure. What a great event! See you there.

Hackathon - Cluj-Napoca, 11.12.2011

In acest weekend in Cluj-Napoca a avut loc Hackathon organizat de catre Microsoft Student Partents. Am participat la acest eveniment ca si membru din juriu. La finalul celor 24 de ore, cele 14 echipe care s-au inscris in concus au  avut niste aplicatii foarte reusite. Ne-a fost destul de greu sa alegem echipele castitoare. Locul intai a fost ocupat de echipa DOTDOTDOT cu aplicatia TweetThePlace . AplicaÅ£ie care permite să laÅŸi mesaje (ÅŸi poze) într-un anumit Place. Nu poÅ£i vedea/posta un mesaj dacă nu te aflii în apropierea Place-ului respectiv. Suportă ÅŸi live stream folosind push notification astfel încăt dacă te aflii lâncă un Place ÅŸi se postează un mesaj la acel Place, eÅŸti notificat.  Vreau sa felicit toate echipele pentru ca au reusit in 24 de ore sa scrie niste aplicatii formidabile. Sper sa vad o parte din aceste aplicatii pe Marketplace. Poze de la acest eveniment: