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Showing posts from November, 2018

[Post Event] Codecamp Cluj-Napoca, 2018

This weekend I participate at Codecamp Cluj  and I was impressive of the event size. More than 1.000 people and 10 tracks in parallel. This free event it's now at another level from size and no of participants perspective. There were more then 50 speakers that delivered quality sessions about IT trends and trends. From AI to IoT and software processes to Java and .NET we had them all in Cluj-Napoca for one day. At this event I had the oportunity to deliver to sessions about Azure Kubernetes Services and what quantum computer are preparing for the developers. You can find below slides and abstracts. Title : Demystifying microservices inside Azure AKS Abstract : The main purpose of this session is to put on the table things that we need to be aware of when we decide to run our .NET Core applications inside Azure Kubernetes Services. Microservices is powerful but comes with a new paradigm for how we need to design our applications and write our code. Join this sessio...

[Post Event] ITDays 2018

Last week I had the great opportunity to participate at ITDays conference. Whit more then 900 participates registered and 4 stages, ITDays become one of the most relevant conferences in Cluj-Napoca that takes place in the second part of the year. There were a lot of topics and areas that were discussed, from automotive and blockchain to AR and SAP. These 2 days conference was at its 6th edition and is becoming bigger and bigger every year. I delivered a session about Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) and tips and tricks that we need to be aware of when we start this journey. I talked about important things that you need to know about scalability, load balancing, and tools around AKS. You can find below the slides from my session. Topic : Demystifying microservices inside Azure AKS Abstract : The main purpose of this session is to put on the table things that we need to be aware of when we decide to run our .NET Core applications inside Azure Kubernetes Services...

[Post-Event] Autumn ITCamp Community Event in Cluj-Napoca | November 7th, 2018, Romania

This week, together with ITCamp Community we organized a community event in Cluj-Napoca. There were two sessions where we talked about scraping the web and how we can automize the microservices solution on top of Kubernetes using Azure DevOps. There were more than 55 people that attended the event, being curious to find out more about best practices and lessons learned about how to write a crawler from scratch. Nowadays the limitations are not from a technology perspective but the legal side. Together with attendees, we discover how we can create a Kubernetes cluster at runtime for our environments without having to write or modify a line of code – Azure DevOps is here to make our life easier. The event was supported by UIPath , that provided us with a fantastic location and a tasty snack. You can find below the slide deck from the event and some photos. See you next time! Scraping the web for useful data : In present times, we are able to find data everywhere with a simple sea...