Title: The monster under the bed - Overengineering
the cloud
Abstract: How many times you had the feeling that you
were using too many cloud services? Solutions, where we do overengineer, are
common nowadays because spinning a new service is at a click distance. Join
this session if you are ready to confess your mistakes. During the session, I
share examples of cloud solutions where cloud overengineering almost killed the
quality attributes and delivery date.
Title: The microservices confusion
Abstract: Nowdays, every new project that we start is
around microservices. You cannot build anymore a simple solution that goes into
production in 2 weeks' time. Many times we grow the project complexity because of
the current IT trends without thinking about what we need. The focus of the
session is around microservices and what is the impact of it during
development, automation, and operation phase. The purpose is to identify the
balance between the size, number, and complexity of the services taking into
account the delivery time and budget, especially during the first iterations.
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