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[Post Event] ITCamp 2015, Cluj-Napoca

Here we are again. At the 5th edition of ITCamp, organized in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. There were 2 days, full with new and interesting content. This year there were a lot of topics that were discussed, from technical one to business one. We saw not only Azure, but also AWS, JavaScript, Node.JS and yes the new C# 6.0.
There were more than 500 people that attested to this event. With 4 tracks in parallel, it was pretty hard to decide what session to join. As usually, the list of speakers was attractive. Speakers like Paula Januszkiewicz, Andy Malone, Daniel Petri , Andy Cross,  David Guard or Peter Leeson had great and interesting sessions.
The list of speakers is long, I invite you to check the fallowing link:
On top of this, we had two panels – a security and a cloud one. Great and challenging questions were putted during this panels.
See you next year!

I had the opportunity to have a 60 minutes sessions where I talked about how we can scale above clouds limits – ‘How to scale above clouds limits’.
Below you can find the abstracts and slides from this session.

The number of devices that are online increases every day. The quantity of digital content that is produced every year sets new record each time. Last but not least clients are more and more demanding. A cloud provider offers us a great basket of resources but we need to know how to use and manage them.
In this session we will talk about how to scale over this limits and how to be prepared for this kind of situations. If we are designing our system to be prepared to scale over cloud services limits then we will have a system that will be used in 5 year from now. We will talk about different scenarios when it is easy to reach different limits and we will learn how to overcome them.

Video recording:

ITCamp 2015 - How to Scale Above Cloud Limits (Radu Vunvulea) from ITCamp on Vimeo.

