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Azure FrontDoor supports WebSockets

 In fast-changing times like today, real-time communication assures uninterrupted user experiences and increases business operations.

Low-latency bi-directional communication keeps the users interested, like in financial trading, live chat, co-working systems, or online gaming. With the help of the Azure Front Door Standard and WebSockets, businesses scale their real-time applications efficiently around the globe. Azure Front Door represents the CDN in the cloud, improving performance, security, and reliability. Now, with WebSockets, this brings new possibilities for enterprises by offering global scalability and high availability, enhanced security, optimized performance and seamless Azure integration.

WebSockets operate distinctively from regular HTTP, facilitating communication between clients and servers through a persistent connection with full duplexing on top of TCP. Establishing a connection for HTTP is not required. This efficient operation of WebSockets significantly improves bandwidth usage, reducing the need for frequent polling.

The benefits of using Azure Front Door with WebSockets are:

~Real-time data transmission - updating a stock market dashboard or enabling instant messaging services, WebSockets ensure real-time information delivery

~Scalability—On Azure Front Door, powered by its global infrastructure, WebSocket applications support high concurrency and efficient scaling with demand.

WebSockets on Azure Front Door can be helpful for organizations across industries, such as live chat & customer support, where real-time communications in customer support applications improve response time and increase user engagement. Financial trading platforms use WebSockets to enable fast data streaming of stock and cryptocurrency trading, giving users the latest market insights into the current state of their stocks or cryptocurrencies. For seamless teamwork, collaboration tools use WebSockets to improve shared whiteboards, document collaboration, and real-time dashboards. Device communication and IoT data streaming must support bi-directional communication between IoT devices and cloud platforms for efficient data exchange.

As companies move to cloud-native architectures, real-time interactions are a significant factor in differentiating their services. With Azure Front Door, WebSockets enables companies to build highly engaging applications that provide instant updates and a rich user experience. With WebSockets, finance, healthcare, or e-commerce industries leverage improved operating efficiencies and richer customer interactions for better real-time dynamic workflows. IoT investments, AI-driven analytics, or collaborative platform use would drive enterprise-wide innovation while assuring Digital Transformation on wheels using WebSockets.

WebSockets on Azure Front Door deliver performance, security, and scalability to meet the increasing demand for real-time applications that businesses must have to stay ahead. Whether a startup develops the next generation of social apps or an enterprise optimizes mission-critical workloads, this feature will enhance digital experiences and operational efficiency. The reliability and high availability of the Azure Front Door global network provide organizations with a secure platform to deploy WebSockets-enabled applications globally confidently.


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