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[Post-Event] Autumn ITCamp Community Event in Cluj-Napoca | November 7th, 2018, Romania

This week, together with ITCamp Community we organized a community event in Cluj-Napoca. There were two sessions where we talked about scraping the web and how we can automize the microservices solution on top of Kubernetes using Azure DevOps.
There were more than 55 people that attended the event, being curious to find out more about best practices and lessons learned about how to write a crawler from scratch. Nowadays the limitations are not from a technology perspective but the legal side. Together with attendees, we discover how we can create a Kubernetes cluster at runtime for our environments without having to write or modify a line of code – Azure DevOps is here to make our life easier.
The event was supported by UIPath, that provided us with a fantastic location and a tasty snack.

You can find below the slide deck from the event and some photos.
See you next time!

Scraping the web for useful data: In present times, we are able to find data everywhere with a simple search, however, most of the time, we are unable to easily download that data. This is where web scraping becomes a powerful tool. The aim of this presentation is to give you an understanding of web scraping along with implementations, problems with a possible solution and some uses cases.
Mihai Tibrea is a Software Developer at Accesa where he is working on a project for a new client, first impressions count! Mihai has 5 years of experience as a full stack developer with a focus on Microsoft Technologies. With a high focus on software quality, Mihai has a proven record of delivering quality even with tight deadlines.

Microservices CI/CD automation inside Microsoft Azure: This session represents the journey that we need to follow when we start to implement a microservice solution using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Except for the microservices themselves, there are a lot of other things that we need to be aware if we want to have an automated system where we focus only on the functionality and nothing more. Join this session if you want to discover the world of Azure DevOps and how you can configure a CI/CD environment in 30 minutes.
Radu Vunvulea is a technology enthusiast involved in all kind of projects. He has a vast experience on different technologies and industries and has a blog where he writes about IT trends. In his spare time, he drives IT communities and speaks at different conferences around the world. In his day to day life, Radu is Global Head of Technology at Luminos Labs and Microsoft Azure MVP. Most of his time is spent working with the Cloud, helping big enterprises innovate and finding solutions to their business problems.


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