În luna Decembrie, ITCamp (fostul Codecamp) organizează un nou eveniment pentru profesioniștii IT din Cluj-Napoca. Evenimentul urmează să aibă loc pe data de 09 decembrie,la sediul companiei Thomsons - clădirea Olimpia Business Center (strada Dorobantilor, 98-100).
Tema acestui eveniment este "Web Programing - ASP.NET MVC (5)", doua teme sunt pregătite pentru acest eveniment: "What new in ASP.NET MVC, 5 Visual Studio 2015 and Web Tooling" și "Setting up a SPA using Aurelia with Typescript in Visual Studio".
Participarea la eveniment este gratuită. Mulțumim sponsorilor pentru sustinere (Thomsonspentru locație și SDL pentru gustare).
Attendee Registration (Cofee Time)
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What new in ASP.NET MVC, 5 Visual Studio 2015 and Web Tooling
Radu Vunvulea
Do you like challenges? Then the next 60 minutes will be a challenge for all of us.
We will take a look on the new features of ASP.NET MVC 5, Visual Studio 2015 and Azure WebApp from a web developer perpective (including Web Tooling, Code Maps, Code Lens and vNext). The focus will be on 3 key aspects: Why, Howand When.
Coffe Time and Socialization Time
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Setting up a SPA using Aurelia with Typescript in Visual Studio
Mihai CoroÈ™
In this session I will present how you can get started with developing a Single Page Application using Aurelia with Typescript and ASP.NET 5. We'll build a small application and do some Typescript debugging starting from how to set up the project in Visual Studio 2015 by installing the needed jspm packages and configuring automation tasks with Gulp.
Socialization Time
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