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Showing posts from January, 2021

The journey to get all Microsoft Azure Certification in 6 months time

The number of articles that I wrote in the last 2 months was less than usual. This happened because I focus most of my energy to get certified on the cloud - Microsoft Azure.  Last year in September I decided to try to get certified on ALL Microsoft Azure certifications . In total there were around 19 exams that I had to take, covering a lot of different topics from IoT and SAP to Data and Data Scientist. It was not an easy ride, and I would say that the hardest one for me was the Data Scientist certification. Not because it is hard, but because it is not something that I am doing day by day, and learning different algorithms and how to work with them was something different for me.  Refs:   One of the most common questions that I received was how long it took to prepare and what kind of resources I used. The training materials that I used were from Udemy plus training content that is available from Mic...

Overview of tools, templates and assessments that can be used together with Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework

Microsoft is offering an excellent framework to support cloud migration and adoption process – Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) . The Cloud Adoption Framework is a collection of documentation, implementation guidance, best practices, and tools that are proven guidance from Microsoft designed to accelerate your cloud adoption journey. The framework defined an iterative process with the following phases: Define Strategy  Plan  Ready  Adopt  Govern  Manage Each phase contains clear indications related to what are the activities that shall happen, best practices and case studies. For each of them, Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) provides us a list of templates, tools, and assessment mechanisms that can help us improve the adoption and migration process. In a series of posts related to each phase of Cloud Adoption Framework, I documented the tools and templates that can be used. For each tool or template, you can find a short description together wit...